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[ Calendar10:10 | PortWebsite | StuWebs  | Port1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Showcase | Presentation ]
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| Career1| 2 | 3 ] [
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  Portfolio Website Presentation

  1. Introduction
    1. To facilitate the presentation of your website, the Stupub Portfolio Website contains a PowerPoint presentation that you will modify with the results of your work.
    2. A copy of the unmodified version may be viewed at
    3. The slide titles are:
      1. Introduction
      2. Career Exercise Results
      3. Portfolio Exercise 2 - Add Wordprocessed Documents
      4. Portfolio Exercise 3 - Add Workbooks
      5. Portfolio Exercise 4 - Add Showcase and Homepage Text
      6. Database Exercise 1 - Establish Database Requirements
      7. Portfolio Exercise 5 - Review by St. John's Writing Center
      8. Portfolio Exercise 6 - Update Application of MIS Database Description
  2. Requirements
    1. As we progress thru the semester and add more and more content to the portfolio website, your presentation will reflect that content. 
      1. Initially, the presentations will focus on the wordprocessed documents.
      2. Later presentations will emphasize workbooks, then showcase.
      3. Once the database exercises are started, the presentations will include discussing the results of the latest database exercise.
    2. To help motivate the initial presentations, one of the considerations for your First Half Class Participation grade will be volunteering to give your presentation by signing a circulated sheet.
      1. Presentations will start at a randomly selected spot on the class list and proceed in alphabetical order as time permits.
      2. If you are not prepared when requested to give your presentation, your presentation grade will be penalized 20% for each class not prepared.
      3. If you cannot display a requested webpage or document (because of an improper link, or you have not posted the assignment), your presentation grade will be penalized at least 10% for each occurrence.
    3. To help motivate the last few presentations, one of the considerations for your Second Half Class Participation grade will be volunteering to give your presentation by signing a second sheet.
      1. Priority will be given to those who have not yet presented.
      2. If you sign the second volunteer sheet, submit all requested database exercises on time (correctly done), give appropriate presentation when requested, and are present for the entire class on Sessions #36-38 (Apr26-30), then you will receive an extra 20% credit on your Second Half Class Participation grade.
      3. If you are not prepared and you have yet to give a presentation, your presentation grade will be penalized 20% for each class not prepared.
      4. If you cannot display a requested webpage or document (because of an improper link, or you have not posted the assignment), your presentation grade will be penalized at least 10% for each occurrence.

        (This page was last edited on March 14, 2010 .)