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 Portfolio Exercise 6 - Update Application of MIS Database Description

  1. Use Microsoft Word to modify your webpage for your most creative work pieces.  This file is named Creative.htm.
    1. To do this, open Microsoft Word, click File Menu, Open.
    2. Double click folders until you reach the port folder in your Mgt4322 folder.
    3. Then, double click Creative.htm.
    4. Create a short descriptive title for the database.
      (Please note that you updated the hyperlink for your database in Database Exercise 2.)
    5. Create a 25-150 word description that refers to an explicit part of the database (cite a database object) explaining how the database object illustrates an important skill you have developed.  For examples,
      see the Showcase at or the previous semesters portfolios with Y3 under Exercise Db.
    6. Change Joan Q. Student to your name.
    7. Exit Microsoft Word.
  2. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer with to drag and drop your modified copy of the entire port folder from your Mgt4322 folder to your stupub website.  Follow the instructions of Portfolio Exercise 1, step 5.
    1. If not all the files copy over to stupub, try dragging and dropping AppMIS.mdb by itself.  See Database Exercise 3, Step 3.

  3. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer (not Word) to print your modified stupub Creative.htm file.
    1. To do this, use the Internet Explorer to print your copy of Creative.htm on stupub.
      Please make sure that the footer displays the filename and path, such as
      I wish to verify that you have copied the port folder and not just one file to the stupub server.
  4. Requirements - see Homework Set IV.

    (This page was last edited on February 17, 2010 .)